
Mellow pancakes: the recipe for light and ultra mellow pancakes

Finally a recipe of soft, light and fragrant pancakes, impervious and especially delicious! Ideal for the Chandeleur.

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Pancakes! Yeah, guys! If you don’t want to look like an asshole at home, in front of your girl, in front of your kids, you have to make pancakes! O-BLI-GÉ!
And pancake recipes are 150. Everyone has a little secret: beer, rum, cider, sweet or not, with a little or a lot of flour… These are the kinds of secrets that have been passed down from generation to generation for at least millennia, if not millions of years. And besides this recipe is no exception since the basis is the recipe of my môman, with some small additions.
The secret to a creamy pancake recipe
But in real life, if you REALLY want creamy pancakes, light, and perfect, there are still some secrets. It’s like the cannelés of Bordeaux, don’t do anything! There are three main rules to respect:

First, you need a good flour/ liquid ratio. Too much flour and your pancake will be heavy, dry, even brittle. Too little flour and she’s not gonna cook properly and she’s gonna rip herself.
Then, you have to manage to give your dough an airy side, and for that, the secret is to make the eggs sparkle.

And finally, you need fat! Because the fat will give moisture to the pancake without preventing it from cooking, it will contribute to the mellow and diffusion of flavours.
If you follow these 3 rules normally, you get creamy pancakes, mellow as you want, not dry at all. And after that, of course, you can flavour pancakes with whatever you want: I like vanilla, orange blossom, tonka bean or a little lemon zest!

The recipe for soft, light and fragrant pancakes

All right, I’ll give you the recipe for the perfect pancakes in detail!

Ingredients of the pancake batter
1 litre of semi-skimmed milk
300 g T55 flour
40 g of cornstarch
7 eggs + 3 egg yolks (or 8 eggs)
40 g icing sugar
20 g brown sugar
150 g (15 cl) rum (or other alcohol)
100 g of butter
10 g grapeseed oil
1 pinch of salt
optional: vanilla, orange blossom, tonka bean

Preparation: the trick for soft pancakes

Good! So be careful we will make pancakes «pastry», respecting my 3 famous criteria for soft pancakes.

Already start by melting your butter, to make hazelnut butter. You heat it over medium heat and wait for the butter to stop crackling.  This butter will allow bringing the necessary fat to the pancake so that it remains tender, slightly moist. And since we put «hazelnut» butter, it will give this typical taste to the pancake… too good!

Second, one of the secrets to ultra-mellow pancakes is to lather your eggs as I told you. The lighter your eggs are, the less it will dry when cooked. And for that, there is a technique. So while your butter melts, take all your eggs, whole and yellow, and add the sugar. Then you start the electric mixer and mix for a good 5 minutes. Normally, your eggs will become super sparkling, take on volume and turn white. In pastry, it’s called a ribbon.

Next step, add the flour. As I was saying, you have to put enough in so that the pancake stays cooked, but not too much, otherwise, it will be stuffy, dry and too dense. So slowly add your sifted flour and maïzena, while gently stirring the dough. Normally, if you add your flours well sifted and slowly, little by little, it will save you from having lumps. Then it’s time to gradually add your milk to dilute the dough. Take semi-skimmed milk, to avoid overloading the dough with fat,
since we will put butter too. Moreover, once your milk is incorporated, add the butter slightly cooled!

Finally, you end up with your alcohol. I like rum because it reminds me of the Bordeaux flutes. But you can use the cider, the beer, the calvados, whatever you want. If you choose sparkling alcohol like cider, it still brings a little lightness to pancakes in principle!

Cooking technique for softer pancakes

Let’s get ready to cook. You need a large skillet (and it doesn’t attach, it’s very important), a greasing agent (butter, grapeseed or peanut oil, or a can of fat as for the fluted ones), a spatula and that’s it. The principle is simple: lightly grease your skillet with a small piece of paper towel, or with a potato cut in half.

Then heat the skillet, and when it is hot, pour a small ladle of dough by turning the skillet to spread the dough well over the entire surface of the skillet. Cook for about 1 min 30, then turn the pancake over with your spatula and cook again for a few seconds. Then discard the pancake on one plate and proceed to the next.

On the other hand! As this recipe is not very rich in flour (to be lighter and mellow) the pancakes are quite fragile! Sometimes it’s a little hard to turn them over and get them out of the frying pan. So be super delicate so you don’t end up with pancakes all messed up. We’ll have warned you! If you really have trouble flipping them without breaking them, try flipping them with your fingers, or with silicone spatulas.

Tips and tricks for soft and light pancakes

Before we get started, I’d rather give you a few more tips.

How to get your pancakes out of the pan without breaking them

This recipe is very rich in egg and contains quite a little flour. As I said at the beginning, this is what will keep the pancake soft and light. But the quid pro quo is that pancakes can be fragile and difficult to handle. If you find that the crepe tears too easily when cooking, you can add some flour to your preparation to make it denser. Sometimes, when the eggs are very large, or if you put too much alcohol to flavour the dough, you have to put more flour too. Logical, if the dough is wetter, you have to compensate by adding flour!

Then, for cooking, don’t panic! If you’ve never made this super fluffy pancake recipe, you may be surprised by the fragility of the pancakes and you’ll surely miss the first. At the end of one or two, you should take the help to turn them over and get them out without breaking them! You just have to be delicate!

How to avoid lumps in light pancake batter?

Then, if you ever have lumps there is a simple technique to get rid of them: a shot of blender or blender and your dough will be perfectly smooth. If you don’t have any, pass your dough through a very fine sieve. Once all the flour remains in the colander, crush the goods to get them through the colander, and the trick is done!

With what can I enjoy my light and mellow pancakes?

This recipe for light pancakes is the perfect recipe for the candle maker and for making kids (and big kids) like you. You serve it with a homemade spread, good jams, sugar and lemon juice, honey, salted butter caramel, maple syrup… In short, you have the choice, anyway, the dough is so good that it can be eaten by itself!

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